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Thank you for joining me in this cause! I’m excited to share my AIDS/LifeCycle journey with you.

Well, I'm a newbie to riding and I'm extremely excited about the journey ahead, not only the 545 miles but also the training leading up to it.  Riding that far is no joke!  I'm proud to be able to take part in something so big like this, and also carry some special people in my heart while doing so.  My husband Larry died in 2020 and my mom died a year later and one thing that really helped during my grieving process was Peloton.  Being able to take that outlet and convert it to riding on the road, raising money for such good causes, and know that Larry and my mom are proud to see me doing something so outside of my comfort zone makes it all worth it.   

As the training continues, I'll share pics and who knows, they could be occasional thirst traps if the fitness journey says so (lol).  

I’ll be working throughout the year in support of the life-saving services offered by San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the Los Angeles LGBT Center.  

The services provided as a result of my fundraising efforts include counseling, HIV/STD screenings, linking youth experiencing homelessness and people living with HIV to housing, and so much more. By supporting this cause, you take a stand against stigma, helping to create a world where health justice is a reality for everyone. 

These services mean the world to those who receive them, and your support means the world to me.