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Hi Friends,

Thank you for visiting my donation page for the AIDS Lifecycle. I'm daunted but excited to take on this challenge, both to raise money for a worthy cause (see below) and to undertake the most audacious physical challenge I've taken on yet; a 7 day, 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles. 

The Cause

The event raises awareness about the ongoing HIV/AIDs epidemic and funds services such as HIV testing, prevention, and much more. Although I have not been personally impacted by the disease, I have friends that are and have witnessed the impact it has on the people and communities for which I care. 

Moreover, I am passionate about dispelling the stigma that continues to exists around the LGBT community and other misunderstood or marginalized communities. A stigma that, at it's worst, interrupts, delays, or otherwise prevents care, research, support, and overall treatment of chronic, potentially life-threatening diseases that ravage these communities. 

Please help me in supporting this cause and the epic ride ahead of me. 

Thank you!
